Less is More
We’ve all been there! You start photography and you want it all. Better camera, faster lens, bigger sensor, more specialised equipment, new photography styles. The list is endless, the addiction is growing, the race raging...
And yes I know...i am getting carried away!
…but then inevitably comes the day when the increasing inventory becomes an obstruction to creativity and freedom. One day comes the turning point. The overwhelming, over cluttering feeling, the yearn to return to basics.
This point came for me in 2017 after over 15 years growing my photography skills and along with that the size of my camera bag! I can’t tell for sure what was the tipping point but I’m sure the weight of these camera bags would be a good start in my quest to explain the switch. So yes 2017 was my pivotal moment. I decided to simplify everything. 1 body and 2 lenses for my photography work and 1 camera for my personal needs. That’s it!
Gone were the specialised lenses, the speed lights, the filters, the different tripod and monopods, the macro rings, the light diffusers…and in was a new purchase, a new little gem of a camera that was ticking all these new boxes
Because lets face, we photographers love our gear! Men with Toys. So when the day came, in January 2017 when Fujifilm announces the brand new iteration of their X100 lineup, I didn’t think twice…and wired a deposit to my local Camera shop to be the first one to get my hands on this baby.
To be honest the camera was not unknown to me. I played around with previous models. I knew it was ticking all the boxes in that search for simplification and uncluterness, one focal to rule them all, one super well built tiny camera, plenty of manual setting… That was it!
Sim-Pli-Fy......as they say
2017 was also the time when i moved to Bucharest. I stayed in Bucharest 8 months. When i was not working i was taking images with my new Fujifilm. My X100F was always by my side, always my trusted sidekick.
I loved this camera. In fact I didn’t even use my professional gear for anything that was it was meant for, professional work and clients. The good old me was getting addict to this super tactile setup, those manual knobs, the visual appeal, the beautiful film simulations, I was in for a treat.
It caters for people like me looking for a more simple and yet rewarding photography experience. Everything that my heavy gear was not, Not the race for megapixel, not the chase for sharpness, not the hunt for less chromatic aberration, Not any of that? This camera makes me get out and shoot.
And you know what in Bucharest, during my time off it is exactly all i did and all care for. This camera was the best tool for me and the city.